Eastnine AB is a leading voice for green building in the Baltic region and is headquartered in Stokholm, Sweden. Their focus in the past few years has been on meticulously overhauling their portfolio of office buildings, striving for a suite fully certified to LEED.
Today, they stand near that goal.
Their portfolio includes renowned buildings in Europe, especially in the performance category. Business Centre Vertas is the highest scoring LEED v4 O+M certification in the region, Business Centre 3Bures is the second-highest scoring O+M certification of any version, and Business Centre Alojas gives them three of Europe’s top 11 O+M projects.
Eastnine’s goal is to continually improve the efficiency of, and the emissions from, their properties along the way to achieving operational climate neutrality by 2030.
In 2018, they undertook the unusual challenge of renovating BC Alojas in Riga, a building only 11 years old at the time and one also distinguished as the “the most energy efficient building in Latvia.”
Their ambition drove an innovative collaboration between the company, their LEED consultant, Sopro-dot-IT, and the property manager, Colliers. Over two years, the team tirelessly targeted 8-10 additional LEED credits which allowed them to achieve a final score of 89. With a pre-existing under-floor air distribution system for flexible climate control, and a focus on better renovation materials, Alojas certified as LEED Platinum O+M v4 last June. Now, the team tracks performance in the Arc performance platform to once again prove BC Alojas’ distinction among Latvia’s most sustainable buildings.
And in 2021, Eastnine AB received a USGBC regional leadership award for their dedication to “making a good thing even better.”