Niranjan Khatri, founder of iSambhav and previous employee of 2021 regional USGBC Leadership award recipient, ITC Hotels, has taken revolutionary steps to reduce waste and be more sustainable through his work. Niranjan has had an immersed role in reducing waste, from lessening litter around hotel properties to reusing cooking oils for soaps and biodiesel. 

As he has shown through his work with ITC Hotels and iSambhav, he believes that green building and sustainable practices overall must be implemented in a low-cost form so that all people can be involved. In fact, he says, “My request be that the principles of green building have to be demystified and be known to the local mason, carpenter, and electricians. Once it reaches over there then I will say the green building movement has arrived.” 

Reducing waste helps to reduce our negative impact on our planet. What are you doing to help reduce waste in your home?  Share your story.